1 What is News Management?

1.2 Newsgroup moderator

In order to keep the volume of off-topic traffic in a newsgroup to a minimum, postings to that group may be subject to the approval of a person who has been designated the newsgroup moderator. All items posted by anyone else into that newsgroup are mailed to the moderator, instead of being added to the newsgroup immediately. The moderator then decides whether the item is appropriate, and if so, adds it to the newsgroup with an Approved: header indicating that sites should accept it as an item in that newsgroup. If an item is posted to multiple newsgroups, it is not actually added to any of them until it has been approved by the moderators of all moderated newsgroups to which it has been posted. In addition, a newsgroup moderator may cancel any posting to that newsgroup, regardless of where it originated. There is only one moderator for a given newsgroup, who handles traffic originating from any site. In practical terms, this means that you don't have to worry about moderated newsgroups unless the moderator lives at your site.

ANU News understands this model of newsgroup moderation, and will handle moderated newsgroups correctly. If a newsgroup moderator is located at your site, he or she will use the Add File/Moderator command to add approved postings to the newsgroup. In addition, he or she will have all the privileges of newsgroup supervisor (see below) with respect to that group at your site. If the moderator is located at another site, News takes care of checking for approval, and mailing new postings to the moderator, automatically.

previous: 1.1 News site management
next: 1.3 Newsgroup supervisor
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