1 What is News Management?

1.3 Newsgroup supervisor

In addition to the moderated newsgroups, ANU News also supports restricted newsgroups, which allow you to control not only who can post to a newsgroup, but who can read it as well. Unlike moderated newsgroups, the designation of a newsgroup as restricted is local to your site; all other sites will treat it as a normal (moderated or unmoderated) newsgroup.

An individual may be granted limited privileges to control newsgroup access via the Add Member and Delete Member commands. This person is called the newsgroup supervisor, to distinguish their role from that of newsgroup moderator. In addition to controlling access, the supervisor has a limited ability to cancel messages: he or she can remove any message from the newsgroup which originated at your site. Supervisor privileges are turned on and off using the Set Supervisor command.

previous: 1.2 Newsgroup moderator
next: 2 Finding and Following ANU News
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