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Country Info | Slovene History in brief

500 to 1900 1900 to 1945 1945 to 1991 1991 to the present

25 June 1991
The Republic of Slovenia officially declares its independence.

27 June 1991
Yugoslav army attacks Slovenia.

7 July 1991
By signing the Brioni Declaration the Yugoslav Army terminates its military involvement in Slovenia.

25 October 1991
Last Yugoslav Army soldier leaves Slovenia.

29 November 1991
The Law on Denationalisation is published in the Official Gazette.

23 December 1991
Slovene Constitution is adopted.

15 January 1992
The European Community officially recognizes Slovenia.

22 May 1992
Slovenia becomes a permanent member of the United Nations.

7 November 1992
Parliament adopts the Law on Privatisation of Socially-Owned Companies.

6 December 1992
The first elections are held in independent Slovenia.

27 September 1994
The Slovene Minister of Economic Relations and Development signs the accession declaration in Geneva for incorporation in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Slovenia thus becomes a founding member of the World Trade Organisation (23 December 1994).

4 December 1994
Local elections - The election of 2,800 new municipal councillors completes the local government project in 147 new municipalities.

6 March 1995
The European Union Council of Ministers grants a mandate for negotiations to begin between the EU and Slovenia on an association agreeement.

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