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Country Info | Slovene History in brief

500 to 1900 1900 to 1945 1945 to 1991 1991 to the present

1945 to 1953
The process of nationalisation begins with the law on agricultural reforms adopted in August, defining the maximum amount of land that may be owned (20 to 30 hectares of cultivable land). The following year a law on nationalisation of commercial companies comes into effect, gradually bringing private business under state control.

Tito rebels against Stalin's political supremacy.

Numerous politicians and directors pensioned off prematurely due to their "liberalism" and "entrepreneurial thinking".

Summer of 1988
The military trial of three journalists of the Mladina magazine and an army officer leads to calls for an independent Slovenia.

20 January 1990
Slovene delegation attends the congress of the Yugoslav League of Communists for the last time.

23 December 1990
More than 88% voters at the referendum cast their vote for an independent Slovenia.

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