4 Setting Up News As An NNTP Client Only

4.6 Providing a foreign command to run News

News.Exe is written to be invoked from DCL by a foreign command, and will parse its own command line. You should add a line to your system-wide login procedure which sets up this command, e.g.
$ News == "$News_Manager:News.Exe"

You may specify the name of the NNTP server and the NNTP transport protocol to use when connecting to the server in several ways; see the sections describing the logical names News_NNTP_Server and News_NNTP_Protocol for more information.

Note that if you have for some reason defined the logical name News_Root on your system, you will need to place at least the qualifier /NetServer on the command line when invoking News as an NNTP client. Otherwise, it will try to find the local News database, and when it does not, will either attempt to create the index files for the local database (if News.Exe can obtain SysPrv, and it is run by a user holding News_Mgr_ID), or exit after printing a message about first-time installation.

previous: 4.5 Setting up a mail contact address for News matters
next: 4.7 Moving News.Hlb
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