2 Finding and Following ANU News

2.2 Unpacking the News distribution

Once you've retrieved the necessary files, you should unpack them using UnZIP for VMS v5.0 or later, in order to preserve the VMS attributes of the files in each archive. In order for NewsBuild.Com to function properly, you should create a top-level directory for the News kit, and unpack the Src ZIP file into a subdirectory of this root named [.News_Src]. Similarly, the contents of the Dist ZIP file should be unpacked into a subdirectory named [.News_Dist], and the contents of the Doc ZIP file into a subdirectory named [.News_Doc]. Finally, you should create an empty subdirectory named [.News_Build], which will contain the object files created when building News. When you're done, then, you should have a directory tree which looks like this:
                       [NewsKit] (for example)
[News_Build]  [News_Dist]    [News_Doc]   [News_Src]   

At this point, you should read the section of this manual which describes setting up News for the type of service you will use at your site, and follow the instructions found there.

previous: 2.1 Getting a copy of News
next: 2.3 News Development and Support
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