2 Finding and Following ANU News

2.1 Getting a copy of News

If you're reading this document, you've probably got a copy of the News distribution already, or at least you know where to get it. If not, and you have ftp access, then you can pick up a copy of the latest release by anonymous ftp to one of the following sites: News is also periodically included on various DECUS tapes, so you may already have a copy sitting around unbeknownst to you.

The official News distribution consists of three files:

As of 23-Jan-1995, the current release of News is 6.1beta10, and the string version for this release is "V61-Beta10" (e.g. News_V61-Beta10_Src.Zip).

These files were packed with ZIP for VMS, and should be retrieved in binary mode. ZIP is a file archiving and compression tool which packages groups of files into archives somewhat like VMS Backup, though without as much error correction, and with better compression. The News distribution is packaged using a version of ZIP for VMS which preserves the RMS attributes of each file. In order to properly unpack these ZIP files, you should use UnZIP for VMS, version 5.0 or later. ZIP and UnZIP are free, and are available at many VMS ftp sites. In particular, you can get UnZIP.Exe from all of the ftp sites which carry the News distribution; it will either be in the same directory as the News ZIP files, or its location will be noted in a ReadMe file in that directory.

previous: 2 Finding and Following ANU News
next: 2.2 Unpacking the News distribution
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