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Country Info | Food and Drinks | Recipes for Traditional Food in Slovenia | Spring Soup

A number of delicious and healthy soups, salads and stews can be made from young, tender herbs, picked in early spring. This is one of them.

[PHOTO] Ingredients (serves four):


Bring 3 dl water to boil, add salt and all the herbs; cook covered for 5 minutes. Transfer herbs into a blender and puree with 1 dl milk; reserve cooking fluid.

Heat the olive oil in a pot and fry onions until very lightly browned (about 1 minute). Add flour and fry stirring until light brown. Mix in the garlic. Add pureed herbs, cooking fluid, remaining milk and water, mix and bring to boil. Quickly stir in the egg, salt and pepper to taste, and serve. Garnish each plate with one tsp sour cream.


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