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Country Info | Food and Drinks | Recipes for Traditional Food in Slovenia | Buhteljni



Sift the flour into a bowl and make a small hollow in the center. Crumble the yeast into a cup, add 1 tsp sugar, 2 Tbsp flour and 0.5 dl warm milk, mix well. Pour the yeast mixture into the hollow and set the flour into a warm place for the yeast to rise (yeast mixture should increase to twice its volume). Mix the flour with the yeast, 10 dag butter, sugar, eggs and a pinch of salt and knead well to form a smooth dough. Set the dough in a warm place to rise to about twice its volume.

Prepare a medium-height baking dish and some melted butter (fluid, but not hot). On a flat surface, dusted with flour, roll out the dough to "half the thickness of your finger" (traditional measure), or about 8 mm. Cut the dough into 8 x 8 cm squares; put 1 tsp apricot marmalade on each square, then fold the corners above the marmalade, squeezing lightly to make the dough stick together. Dip each packet into melted butter and set into the baking dish so that "buhteljni" touch. Set the baking dish into a warm place for the "buhteljni" to rise to about twice the original volume.

Pre-heat the oven to 180 °C. Bake "buhteljni" until well browned, or about 45 minutes. Remove from the oven and alow "buhteljni" to cool -- you should be able to touch them with bare hands without discomfort. Remove from baking dish and dust with vanilla-scented castor sugar, but do not divide them before serving or they will dry out and harden.


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