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Country Info | Food and Drinks | Recipes for Traditional Food in Slovenia | Beef liver "Chasseur"


Using a thin, sharp knife pass the bacon strips through the liver. Rub the liver with pepper and juniper berries. Heat the oil in a casserole, add onions and fry until very light brown, or about 3 minutes; add liver and sear on all sides. Add enough stock to cover the liver, cover and cook until the meat is tender or about 1 hour. Liver tends to stick even when stewed or boiled, so it should be turned over several times.

Remove the liver and keep warm. Thicken the sauce with flour or corn-starch, boil for 3 minutes; mix in sour cream and lemon juice. Slice the liver quickly and return into the sauce; salt to taste and serve hot (always add salt to liver dishes only at the very last -- otherwise the liver will harden).


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