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Having Fun in Ljubljana

If you are coming to Ljubljana you need to know what kind of activities this city offers you.

Here are a few suggestions from some broke students who have just come here and enjoyed it. We are talking about bars and pubs, places for sporting or eating out. Just pick from the menu:

Night Life
Restaurants & Cafés

Night Life

There are many bars, pubs and discos where you can go from 10 to 12 pm, though some places may close later. Around the city center you can find breweries, places with live music and student bars, all close enough to walk.

There is an up-to-date list available on separate page.


Of course, we can't forget sport activities... There are lots of places in the city where you have the chance to practice every sport that you usually perform in your country, as well as any other one that you may be interested on.

For those who like Badminton or Tennis, there is BIT Hall at Letaliska 3, where you can spend some time. It is open from 8.00 a.m. until 24.00 p.m. If you'd rather go Bowling you will find a nice place at the Tivoli Recreation Center, located in Celovska 25, from 16.00 to 22.00.

There are outdoor and indoor swimming-pools that you will enjoy in the city.

A few places are:

In case you prefer horses, there is:

And, of course, some skating at:

Restaurants & Cafés

[PHOTO] Spending the day walking and sitting around in Ljubljana is just lovely. In the Old Town you will find numerous cafés and restaurants hiding picturesque shops with their chairs and umbrellas. We suggest you to walk down Trubarjeva cesta, Mestni trg and Stari trg: they are situated in the center, parallel to the river. Another hot-spot is the café Neboticnik on top of one of the few towers in the city. The panoramic view is spledid. If you would like to eat in the shade of a tree then there are some restaurants just outside the old town; some like Pod Lipo are also ideal for larger groups.

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