Ljubljana - CASI - Foreword - Project Basics - Activities - Sponsors - Organizers - Acknowledgements - Results

The Internet Guide to Ljubljana

[CASI, Best, Hermes Softlab]

Who created The Internet Guide to Ljubljana

The attendees of the CASI Summer Course Ljubljana 1995 did it. Since nobody of them lives in Ljubljana (nor do they live in Slovenia; do look at their names!) you might wonder how they managed it. It took much effort and strong motivation. The latter was provided by Mateja Pucihar. She studies history of art here in Ljubljana. When the attendees left, Mark Martinec took over and finished the last details.

What is CASI

CASI stands for Computer Aided Spatial Informatics. This was the title of the BEST Summer Course held on Faculty for Electro Engineering and Computer Science in Ljubljana. To learn more about the CASI SC, see The final report. It takes lots of money to organize such an event. Our general sponsor was Hermes SoftLab, a very successful Slovene software company. Here we would like to thank to the general manager Mr. Rudi Bric for his support and understanding. The students of our faculty got used to receiving help from Prof. Sasa Divjak. The CASI SC was no exception. Good guys stick together, don't they?

What is BEST

BEST is Board of European Students of Technology. It is non-profit, non-political, non-... organization. The main activity of BEST are Summer Courses (SCs, such as CASI) held in summer ;-> in many countries of Europe. In 1995 there were 33 SCs, two of them in Ljubljana.

What's next?

A new SC of course. The 1996 SC will be Beyond Understanding: How to Learn Natural Sciences Using Computers. BU! for short.

You can send your comments to me. [pi]