Slovenia / Country info / Useful Info / General Info / Climate


Slovenia, although a small country, has due to a complicated orography three main climatic regions:
  1. the Alpine-Dinaric mountain ridge separates the Mediterranean south-western part from the
  2. central one where the sub-Alpine climate prevails in lowlands and Alpine in mountains, while
  3. the Northeast is already strongly influenced by the Panonic continental climatic type.

The yearly mean temperature is between 12°C in the Mediterranean part and 0°C in mountains, the yearly precipitation ranges from less than 800 mm in the continental part to over 3200 mm in mountains.

Long-term averages (1961-1990) of some climatic elements

                                 Temp (°C)   Precipit (mm) Sunshine (hours)
                               Jan Jul  Year  Jan Jul Year  Jan Jul Year
Koper (Mediterranean)          4.9 22.7 13.6   74  93 1051  102 319 2346
Ljubljana (centr.,sub-Alpine) -1.0 19.6  9.7   85 132 1395   48 262 1735
Maribor (Alpine-continental)  -1.5 19.3  9.4   50 124 1048   70 251 1843
Murska Sobota (continental)   -2.4 19.1  9.1   36 117  807   60 263 1855
Kredarica (Alpine, 2514m)     -8.5  5.4 -1.8  104 216 1955  121 200 1788

M. Martinec