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Country Info | Towns and Places in Slovenija | Towns and Places in Slovenia | Bovec

One can never be bored by Bovec. In this famous resort of the upper Soca valley winters are white and snowy attracting skiers (at their disposal are high-mountain ski slopes up to 2,300 m on the Slovene and the Italian sides), mountain-climbers, cross-country skiers, parachuting and hang-gliding enthusiasts, lovers of good food and drink; with the approach of spring the keenest enthusiasts descent the snow-clad mountainsides (snow persists until spring) and continue by mountain-bikes, ending their escapade by rafting. Or in summer when cool forests are perfect hideouts from summer heat or when you can take a walk on the well-marked mountain tracks along the aquamarine Soca river or spend some time hunting or fishing. You can also take a flight from the nearby sports airfield or go on an excursion along the majestic Soca valley. There is still more and more. And this is more than an invitation!

Bovec can provide accommodation for 2,500 people in hotels, apartments, private rooms and in a tent and caravan park.

See also ski resorts: Kanin.

Information: phone +386 65 86 370, fax: +386 65 86 081


Adapted by M. Martinec from the: On the Sunny Side of the Alps, published by the Ministry of Tourism and Catering, November 1992.

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