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Country Info | Towns and Places in Slovenija | Towns and Places in Slovenia | Bled

The story of Bled originates in a prehistoric settlement, flows past mediaeval rural houses to modern hotels, plush villas and exuberant gardens (see more on Bled history). Bled became widely acclaimed as a most fashionable European resort as early as in the beginning of this century; it was visited by prominent guests from various countries. The tradition of towering splendour has been preserved to this very day.

Bled is also known as an excellent organizer of world championship in rowing and parachuting, while the annual professional golf tournaments are a big attraction, as are the annual meetings of the PEN club.

Nature endowed the lake with infinite gifts -- healthy subalpine climate, healing springs, idyllic and lovely little island in the middle and stately castle above it. From the summit of the steep castle cliff a breathtaking view of mountain scenery opens out, a panorama unfolds of elegant hotels along the lake, of a frivolous carriage ride, walking-trails and delightful inns, of the summer hurly-burly. On the lake gondola-like boats (pletne) take people to the romantic little island with the lovely church and the famous bell of wishes. In winter you can indulge in a walk on the frozen lake, in tobogganing or skiing on a nearby ski slope, or wallow in delicious Bled cream cakes. So small, and so lovely!

Bled can provide accommodation for 4,000 people in hotels, apartments, private rooms, and in a tent and caravan park.

See also:

Information: phone +386 64 77 409, fax +386 64 78 588


Adapted by M. Martinec from the: On the Sunny Side of the Alps, published by the Ministry of Tourism and Catering, November 1992.

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