Home / Winegrowers / RakiŸan


Kmetijsko gospodarstvo RakiŸan, p.o.
Lendavska 5
9000 Murska Sobota
phone: +386 69 21-200
fax: +386 69 23-058
WHITE WINES: laçki rizling, chardonnay, renski rizling
WINEGROWING AREA: Prekmurske Gorice

     This company is best known for its other agricultural products: it is the largest producer of wheat in Slovenia, and winegrowing represents a minor proportion of its production. Its grapes come from vineyards at MaŸkovci, Grad, Kramarovci, and Bodonci. RakiŸan grows only white grapes, mostly Laçki Rizling and some Chardonnay and Kerner.

     The RakiŸan winery produces 80,000 liters (21,136 gallons) of wine annually, most sold open to inns or other wineries for direct sales, blending, or additional processing. One of their few bottled wines is Laçki Rizling - their izbor of 1993 was excellent.

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