Home / Winegrowers / Emeran Reya

   Emeran Reya

Emeran and Boza Reya
Kozana 2
5212 Dobrovo
phone: +386 65 45-166
RED WINES: cabernet sauvignon
WHITE WINES: rebula, sivi pinot, beli pinot

     Emeran and Boza Reya cultivate four hectares (9.9 acres) of vineyards on sites around Lazna. White varieties dominate, and traditional Rebula and Sivi Pinot are their staple product. Cabernet Sauvignon is their dominant red, and they also grow some Cabernet Frank.

     The annual yield is forty tons of grapes: ten tons/hectare (four tons/acre) is not high for these sunny sites. The Reyas produce three hundred hectoliters (7962 gallons) of wine annually, partly sold open to neighbouring inns.

     Half of their bottled wines are in the quality range, half are high-quality. Beli Pinot, although a minority in their vineyards, is their most successful wine: both their 1992 and 1993 vintages won silver medals at the Ljubljana Wine Fair.

     If you ever get the chance to visit the Reya estate, remember to ask the master of the house for a taste of his excellent walnut liqueur.

     The best Reya vintages are 1992 and 1994.

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