Home / Winegrowers / Constantini


Kmetija Humar Dusan
Plesivo 32
5212 Dobrovo
phone: +386 65 45-345
fax: +386 65 23-873
RED WINES: modri pinot, cabernet franc, cabernet sauvignon
WHITE WINES: sivi pinot, sauvignon, chardonnay, tokaj

     "The grandfathers of my grandfathers were winegrowers," Dusan Humar succinctly describes his family's long tradition. Nine hectares (22.2 acres) of vineyards where Constantini wines come from lie around Plesivo, a large part of his vines growing in neighbouring Italy. Humar's sites are in southwestern Brda where the low hills dip toward the Friulian plain: on these warm and sunny sites, even tangerines can be cultivated.

     The climate is particularly suitable for red wines - Constantini is one of the few wineries in Brda that regularly offers Modri Pinot; Cabernet Frank and Cabernet Sauvignon are also cultivated. However, red wines comprise only 30% of the winery's production. In keeping with contemporary trends, white wines dominate: Sivi Pinot, Sauvignon, Tokaj, and Beli Pinot.

     Humar's vineyards yield two kilograms (4.4 lb.) of grapes per vine, not high for these warm sites. The annual production of the Constantini cellar is 450 hectoliters. 90% of Humar's fresh and lively wines are in the high-quality range; Sivi Pinot, Sauvignon, and Cabernet Sauvignon are the most successful.

     Interestingly enough, the Constantini trade name is relatively unknown in Slovenia: Humar has been exporting most of his wine to neighbouring Italy, and his first (quite successful) presentation at the Ljubljana Wine Fair came only in 1995.

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