Home / Winegrowers / Bordon


Ivan and Boris Bordon
Dekani 63
9250 Dekani
phone: +386 66 580-448
RED WINES: refo{k, merlot, cabernet sauvignon, cabernet frank
WHITE WINES: malvazija, chardonnay

     Ivan and Boris Bordon are among the few Slovene winegrowers who have so far resisted the trend toward white wines and still produce more red wines than white wines. However, in their newly planted vineyards Chardonnay is the dominant variety.

     The Bordons have eight hectares (19.8 acres) of vineyards on the sunny sites of Fratovec, Pe~ka, and Romondovec. Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon dominate the older vineyards, and the newly planted Chardonnay is intended for the production of slamno vino, a wine made from dried grapes.

     The Bordons prepare their red wines in accordance with local tradition: protracted maceration makes their Merlot tangy, almost bitter while still young, but the matured wine is rich and velvety. Still, some new methods are being implemented: Since they stopped weeding their vineyards, their grapes mature more slowly and produce more acids which make the wine fresher.

     The Bordons have won a number of prizes for their more successful red wines, Refo{k and Cabernet Sauvignon; Refo{k 1988 was declared a Slovene Champion.

     The best Bordon vintages are 1986, 1988, 1990, and 1994.

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