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Wild mushrooms

How to Find, Cook and Eat Them -- and Survive!

Please read the warning at the bottom of this page.
Picking wild mushrooms is definitely a very popular occupation in Slovenia, one could call it a national sport. In fact, legislation had to be passed limiting the daily "catch" to keep some species from becoming extinct. And we do it because mushrooms are such a delicacy!

If you decide to give it a try -- despite the warning -- do not tear them from the ground, but cut the stem to preserve the mycelium for future growth.

How safe is it? Well, rumor has it that even one of our noted specialists, author of a popular "mushrooming manual" once had his stomach pumped !

Now, perhaps you want to find about a few good mushrooms we have chosen for your perusal; or, maybe you are more interested in the bad and the ugly. But do have a look at our list of recipes.

Warning: some mushrooms are poisonous, even deadly. This is a presentation of an interesting (we think so) aspect of Slovene gastronomy -- not an invitation to find them and try them yourself. Lists of edible and poisonous mushrooms linked to this page contain only a small number out of over 400 types growing in Slovenia; descriptions are abridged for the purpose of this presentation and do not offer sufficient information for a safe mushroom hunt. This is not a vade mecum, but just a piece of entertaining (we hope so) information.

Introduction | The Good | The Bad and the Ugly | Recipes | Glossary
See also other mushroom sites.

miso & joh