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National Supercomputing Centre

National Supercomputing Centre (NSC) at Jozef Stefan Institute is the principal computing facility for compute-intensive research and industrial development in Slovenia, and also the central computing and communication facility of the Institute. Its primary function is computer support for compute-intensive research in theoretical physics, experimental physics, physical chemistry, biochemistry, mechanical engineering, environment modeling, compute-intensive graphic applications, etc. Users of National Supercomputing Centre at JSI include research groups from the National Institute of Chemistry, Turboinstitute, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University of Maribor, and others.

Currently (March 1995), the principal processing resources of NSC are as follows:

Convex C3860, a mid-range GaAs-technology vector supercomputer with 6 heads and 1 Gb of memory, with theoretical peak performance of 1440 MFLOPS (32-bit), 720 MFLOPS (64-bit);

[Picture of Exemplar installed at the NSC] Convex SPP1000/XA-64, a 64-CPU fine-grain parallel computer, based on HP PA7100 RISC processors, with 4 Gb global virtual memory and theoretical peak performance of 12.4 GFLOPS.

General-purpose computing and communications resources at NSC include a VAX type system, HP700-series and Sun workstations, X-terminals, communication bridges and routers, etc.

NSC also manages the LAN (Ethernet, FDDI) of JSI main premises on Jamova 39 street and provides support for all types of computer communications (DECnet, X.25 (Sipax.25, IXI), X.400, TCP/IP -- Internet, Usenet, etc).

National Supercomputing Centre staff:


Technical and administrative:

Associated and advisory:
