7 News Support Utilities

7.2 Testing NNTP connections over DECnet or TCP/IP networks

The programs described below are designed for use in testing DECnet or TCP/IP connections to an NNTP server (yours or another site's), or allowing you to converse directly with the server using NNTP commands. These are useful principally for tracking down problems with an NNTP server, and do not need to be used during normal operations.

7.2.1 NNTP_Client

NNTP_Client is a utility used to test a connection to a remote NNTP server. The program attempts to establish an interactive session with the remote server, allowing the user to send NNTP commands to the server. In the case of a connection made over TCP, this is equivalent to a telnet session to the remote NNTP port (i.e. Telnet/Port=119). There is no direct equivalent with DECnet. Installation

NNTP_Client.Exe is created in the [News_Dist] directory by the NewsBuild procedure. The image should be placed in a location, such as News_Manager, which is not accessible to general users. This is necessary because NNTP_Client can be used to easily make fraudulent postings to an NNTP server, since it contains no authentication checks like those in News.Exe. Command syntax

NNTP_Client is invoked via the DCL Run command, and takes no command line parameters or qualifiers. It will prompt you for all necessary information before connecting to the remote NNTP server.

At the Node: prompt, enter the name of the remote host. This can be a DECnet node name, a DECnet node number in the format area*1024+node (area*1024 is optional if the server is in the same area as your system),a TCP host name, or an IP address in dotted decimal form.

At the Channel: prompt, enter the transport over which you wish to establish the connection (DECnet or TCP). If you just press <Return>, the transport defaults to DECnet.

If you are establishing a DECnet connection, you will also be asked for the DECnet object name for the remote server. Enter the object name, or press <Return> to accept the default string TASK=NNTP. You will also be asked if you want to use DECnet stream input calls, instead of record input calls. This is usually necessary only if the remote server is running on an Ultrix system. Session Summary

Once it has obtained the necessary information, NNTP_Client will connect to the remote NNTP server, and allow you to conduct an interactive session, using NNTP commands to communicate with the server. Lines you type are sent to the server when you press <Return>, and the server's responses are displayed on the terminal. For more information on the NNTP command set, see the NNTP standard, RFC977, which is provided in the News_Doc ZIP file.

When you have finished the session, use the NNTP QUIT command to close the connection, and then exit from NNTP_Client by pressing <Ctrl-Z>. Examples

The following example connects to the NNTP server running on wombat.bush.au using TCP as the transport:
$ Run [News_Dist]NNTP_Client
Node: wombat.bush.au
Channel (DECNET, WINtcp)? [DECNET]: wintcp
200 ANU NEWS/NNTP server wombat (V6.1.1). Ready at Fri Feb 25 02:19:55 1994 (posting ok).
205 closing connection -- goodbye!

The following example connects to the NNTP server running on the Ultrix system KOALA, using DECnet as the transport:

$ Run [News_Dist]NNTP_Client
Channel (DECNET, WINtcp)? [DECNET]: decnet
Decnet NNTP Objects are commonly of the form:
	TASK=NNTP	used by most VMS NNTP server implementations
	NNTP=		used by Ultrix NNTP servers
	NEWS=		used by some VMS NNTP server implementations
Decnet Object string? [TASK=NNTP] : NNTP=
Use DECnet stream input calls (normally only with Ultrix NNTP server)? [N]: y
200 ANU NEWS/NNTP server KOALA (V6.1.1). Ready at Fri Feb 25 02:19:55 1994 (posting ok).
205 closing connection -- goodbye!

7.2.2 NNTP_TTY

NNTP_TTY is a direct interface to the ANU NNTP server code in NNTP_Server.C, which allows you to simulate a connection to the NNTP server for debugging or informational purposes. Note that this includes only a portion of the actual NNTP server: the command interpreter, authorization checks, and routines which handle items once they have reached the local system. In effect, running NNTP_TTY is identical to establishing a DECnet connection to your local NNTP server, but without involving any of the transport level code. If you want to establish an actual test connection to your local NNTP server (i.e. via a DECnet or TCP connection to your own system), use NNTP_Client instead.

In order to run NNTP_TTY, you will need at least read access to the News database. In addition, if you plan to use the POST command, you will need write access to the News database, and if you intend to 'send' an item via the IHAVE command, you will need write access to News_Manager. Installation

NNTP_TTY.Exe is created in the News_Dist directory by NewsBuild.Com. You should leave it in a location, such as News_Manager, where it is available to you when you want to test the NNTP_Server.C code. It does not pose a security hazard, as it can only be run successfully by users who already have direct access to the local News database. Command syntax

NNTP_TTY is invoked using the DCL Run command; it takes no parameters or qualifiers. Session summary

When invoked, NNTP_TTY simulates a connection to the ANU NNTP server on your system. It performs all authorization checks as if you had established a DECnet connection (i.e. using your username and DECnet nodename). You interact with NNTP_TTY using NNTP commands; the server's responses are displayed at your terminal. The NNTP command set is described in detail in the NNTP standard, RFC977, which is distributed in the News_Doc ZIP file.

Note that, while the connection to the local system is simulated, any actions you take do affect the local News database. Thus, any POSTed items appear in the appropriate newsgroups (and will be forwarded to downstream sites), and any items 'forwarded' using the IHAVE command will appear in batch files in the News_Manager directory. Example

The following session results when NNTP_TTY is invoked from the account NEWSMGR on node WOMBAT:
$ Run [News_Dist]NNTP_TTY
201 ANU NEWS/NNTP server wombat (V6.1.1). Ready at Sat Feb 26 16:03:55 1994 (posting ok).
281 NNTP connection information: newsmgr@wombat.
205 closing connection -- goodbye!

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