5 Setting Up News as a Local Reader/Server

5.8 Running News for the first time

Once you have defined the News logical names, created the necessary directories, and set up the required files, you should login to an account to which the identifier specified by News_Mgr_ID has been granted, and invoke News. News will pause, and then print the message
NEWS -- first time installation...
and will proceed to create its index files. You will then be left at an empty newsgroup directory screen. Using the Create Newsgroup command, you should create the newsgroups 'control', 'local', and 'junk', specifying the /Local qualifier for each to insure that these groups are not accidentally deleted later in response to network control messages. (Note: The /Local setting does not affect whether items in these groups are propagated to the net; you must be sure that the News.Sys entries for downstream sites do not include any groups whose contents you do not wish to forward.) News will use the 'junk' and 'control' newsgroups for maintenance tasks; the 'local' newsgroup is available for local postings. News is now ready for use.

previous: 5.7 Providing a foreign command to run News
next: 5.9 Creating newsgroups on your system
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