4 Setting Up News As An NNTP Client Only

4.4 Installing News.Exe

In order to function properly, News.Exe must have read access to the News configuration files in News_Manager, as well as to News.Hlb. You can grant this access by allowing world read access to each of these files, or you can restrict access to these files and allow News.Exe to obtain access by installing it with SysPrv. It will disable this privilege as soon as it starts up, and will enable it only when necessary.

In addition, if you wish to use the News lock mechanism (i.e. NewsShutDown.Exe) to prevent users from running News while certain other tasks are being performed, News.Exe must be installed with SysLck. If you are using message-ID caching, you must also add SysGbl to this list.

Finally, if you expect News.Exe to be in use frequently, you may may improve performance by installing it with its header resident and for shared access.

All of these things are accomplished via the Install utility, using a command like
$ Install Add News_Manager:News.Exe/Open/Header/Share -

This command should be executed when you first install News, and as part of normal system startup.

previous: 4.3.6 Editing the News_Post.Defaults file
next: 4.5 Setting up a mail contact address for News matters
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