3 Basic considerations for setting up News at your site

Before you can begin the process of setting up News, you will need to make several fundamental decisions about the way in which you want to make news available to your users. In making these decisions, you should consider the needs of your users, the amount of time you or someone else can devote to News management, the options open to you for exchanging news with other sites, and the system resources available for News maintenance. As is the case with most software, the more control you wish to exercise over news availability at your site, the more effort you will need to put into News configuration and maintenance. However, once News is up and running, maintenance usually requires only minor effort. This section describes briefly some of the issues and options you should consider when choosing a News configuration for your site.

If you plan to integrate News with DECUS UUCP, you should also read the section on News setup in their installation manual, as many of the tasks described in this manual have been integrated into the UUCP setup procedures.

previous: 2.3 News Development and Support
next: 3.1 Software required for News
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