ISH - Ljubljana Graduate School of the Humanities - Institutum Studiorium Humanitatis was established in 1991 with the purpose of bringing together graduate education and research in the humanities. Education was initially carried out in collaboration with University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts (as some programmes still are). But ISH soon became renowned for its international faculty and for the emphasis it laid on the epistemology of the humanities. Thus in 1996, ISH became a graduate school of its own right and was renamed ISH - Ljubljana Graduate School of the Humanities.
Institute of Philosophy - in Scientific Research Centre of Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts. Programme and activities of Institute of Philosophy, its researchers, international connections and important events. Institute of Philosophy publishes international philosophical journal FILOZOFSKI VESTNIK / ACTA PHILOSOPHICA semiannually, one issue in Slovene and the other international and thematical.
A R C O == solski arhiv - Tu dobite POVZETKE KNJIZEVNIH DEL ZA MATURO 96, 97, in pa domaca branja, referate, porocila, plonkice, kontrolke in se kaj. TRENUTNO IMAMO ZE VEC KOT 280 gradiv.
Bitke in vojne ladje 1939-1945 - Vse kar vas zanima o ladjah in bitkah 2. svetovne vojne. Edina taksna domaca stran v slovenskem jeziku!!!
Slovenski kritiki o zgodovinskem romanu - Razprava o kritiski in literarnozgodovinski recepciji zgodovinskega romana in zgodovinske povesti na Slovenskem. Avtor M. Hladnik.
Uskoki v slovenskem zgodovinskem romanu - Kako so gledali na slovanske sosede, zlasti na Uskoke, avtorji slovenskih zgodovinskih povesti in romanov (tudi v obliki ISO Latin-2).