EU-CEEC Forum on the Information Society - Panel on the Implementation of the Action Plan - The site is maintained by Ministry of Science and Technology (Republic of Slovenia) and European Commission (DG III and DG XIII). It contains information concerning activities of the EU-CEEC Panel on the Implementation of the Action Plan and relevant WWW links to the EU and Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs).
ICANNGA'99 - 4th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Portoroz, April 6 to 9, 1999.
ICSQ'97 - International Conference On Software Quality '97 - Call for papers
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NATO Workshop on "Strategic Approaches to the Assessment and Management of Manufacturing Technology Innovation" - Workshop will be held at Bled, Slovenia on June 1997. Aims of the workshop: (1)to present current research in the field of advanced technology management (technology transfer), (2)to create a dialogue for experience sharing of current best practice and problems in managing technological interfaces, (3)to collect current problems and concerns for input into ongoing and future research programmes, (4)to create a multidisciplinary forum for discussion on this topic
ReTIS'97: konferenca o prenovitvi informacijskih sistemov - tradicionalna konfererenca bo letos v Celovcu. Sodelujejo univerze v Celovcu, Ljubljani in Mariboru. Glavna tema konference: CASSM - Computer Aided Software Support And Maintenance. Posljite svoj prispevek!
Tenth International Bled Electronic Commerce Conference - This conference attracts speakers and delegates from business, government, information technology providers and universities and is the major venue for researchers working in any aspect of Electronic Commerce. There will be a variety of key-note speakers from industry and academe.
VITEL 96 International Symposium on Telecommunications (delavnica o telekomunikacijah)
OTS'97 Objektna tehnologija v Sloveniji (program) - Tudi drugo strokovno srecanje OTS, ki bo v Mariboru 19. in 20. junija 1997, pokriva vse aktualne vidike objektne tehnologije kot so objektne metodologije razvoja IS, orodja CASE, objektne in objektno relacijske podatkovne baze, ponovna uporaba, vzorci,komponente, modeli CORBA in DCOM, Java, Smalltalk, C++...
Objektna tehnologija v Sloveniji - Drugo strokovne srecanje uporabnikov objektne tehnologije. Namen srecanje je zagotoviti mehanizme za izmenjavo izkusenj in posredovanje znanj o vseh podrocjih objektne tehnologije.
Objektni modeli porazdeljenega procesiranja - prispevek Matjaza B. Jurica, ki je na Dnevih slovenske informatike Portoroz 9.-12. april 1997, prejel nagrado za najaktualnejsi referat