Old postcards collection - Zbirka starih razglednic Istre. Trenutno cez 200 razglednic. Razglednice: Kopra, Izole, Pirana, Poreca,... Stare ladje na razglednicah.
Peter's WWW Art Gallery - This site offers artists a place where they can exhibit their works.
Virtual communication - Pages are set up in a way that any neurotic searching and clicking the mouse without a proper reason does not enable a perfect view into the pages or their comprehension. The extension of your hand, which can be seen as a cursor or hand in cyberspace, presents a tool, which helps you in your tactile discoveries on the web pages (each page has its link; it is up to you to find it). For such communication you need to have good nerves and clear conscience.
Artes / Internet (17 umetnikov iz treh dezel na Omrezju Mrez) - Dela tradicionalnega srecanja umetnikov treh srednjeevropskih dezel Avstrije, Italije ter Slovenije, ki razstavljajo v novogoriski galeriji Artes so od danes postavljena na ogled tudi vsem vascanom globalne vasi.
Dean Verzel - Konstruktor, predstavitev doslej realiziranih projektov: Terapia provocatoria, Homo Carnifex, Triumph of death ...