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Country Info | Useful Info | Slovene Language-Learning Materials for English Speakers -- An Annotated List

Compiled by Marc L. Greenberg, University of Kansas
greenbrg@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu; November 11, 1994

The following is a selected list of sources for learning Slovene and about Slovene. The emphasis is on recent publications - anything printed before 1990 is likely to be unobtainable, except from larger university libraries.

Check also the following related subjects:


Andolsek, Ema et al.
Slovenscina -- Slovene. A Self-Study Course
Ljubljana: RTV, 1984.
Comes with 12 cassettes.
Andolsek, Ema, L. Jevsenak and T. Korosec
Povejmo slovensko
Ljubljana: Drzavna zalozba Slovenije, 1988.
Gobetz, Milena and Breda Loncar
Slovenian Language Manual, vols. 1-2
Willoughby Hills, Slovenian Research Center, 1976, 1977. (No ISBN)
Aimed primarily at English speakers of Slovene ancestry.
Hladnik, Miran and Touisant Hocevar
Slovenscina za popotnike / Slovene for Travellers
Kranj: samozalozba, 1994.
A traveler's phrase-book. Copies may be obtained directly from the author at miran.hladnik@uni-lj.si .
Jug-Kranjec, Hermina
Slovenscina za tujce
Ljubljana: Seminar slovenskega jezika... Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, 1990. (ISBN 86-7207-008-9)
Course of Slovene intended for use at the annual Summer Seminar at the University of Ljubljana. Could be used for self study. Text is in Slovene with English, German and Italian glossary in appendix. Tapes available.
Jurancic, Janko
Slovenacki (slovenski) jezik
Gramatika slovenackog jezika za Hrvate i Srbe. Ljubljana: Drzavna zalozba Slovenije, 1971. (No ISBN)
In Serbo-Croatian. A traditional descriptive grammar with exercises, recommended for Slavists with a background in Serbo-Croatian.
Krizaj-Ortar, Martina
Ucimo se slovenscino
Ljubljana: Drzavna zalozba Slovenije, 1993. (ISBN 86-341-0894-5)
Similar in concept to Jug-Kranjec, but designed for learners with less of a background in Slavic languages. Includes two cassette tapes, a separate handbook of grammatical tables and glossary.
Toporisic, Joze
Zakaj ne po slovensko / Slovene by Synthetic Method
Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, 1992. (ISBN 86-7207-030-5)
A traditional method with grammar explanations in English. The new edition, 1992, comes with 4 cassettes; older editions have a set of four 45 rpm records. This course is designed for self-study. The language is somewhat stylized; the recordings are by leading Slovene stage personalities.


Slovar slovenskega knjiznega jezika, vols. 1-5
Ljubljana: Drzavna zalozba Slovenija, 1980-1991
(ISBN 86-341-0653-5)
Definitive dictionary of Standard Slovene, in Slovene.
Bezlaj, France
Etimoloski slovar slovenskega jezika. vol. 1 (A-J), vol. 2 (K-O)
Ljubljana: Institut za slovenski jezik / Mladinska knjiga, 1977, 1982. (No ISBN)
Etymological Dictionary of Slovene; though Prof. Bezlaj died before completing this work, the project is currently being completed by his students.
Medved, Drago, et al.
Kako se rece --- ? Dobrodosli: vecjezicni slovarcek za tujce
Celje: Fit-Media, 1992.
A multilingual pocket dictionary for tourists.
Grad, Anton, Henry Leeming
Slovensko-angleski slovar / Slovene-English Dictionary
Ljubljana: Drzavna zalozba Slovenije, 1994.
Grad, Anton, Ruzena skerlj, Nada Vitorovic
Veliki anglesko-slovenski slovar = English-Slovene Dictionary
Ljubljana: Drzavna zalozba Slovenije, 1994.
Javorsek, Marija
Anglesko-slovenski slovar
Celovec: Drava / Ljubljana: Svet knjige, 1993.
English-Slovene Dictionary.
Javorsek, Marija
Slovensko-angleski slovar
Celovec: Drava and Ljubljana: Svet knjige, 1993.
Slovene-English Dictionary.


Derbyshire, William W.
A Basic Reference Grammar of Slovene
Columbus: Slavica, 1993. (ISBN 0-89357-236-5)
Written for speakers of English who are at the elementary through the intermediate levels of acquisition of the Slovene language.
Kmecl, Matjaz, Tine Logar and Joze Toporisic, eds.
Slovenski jezik, literatura in kultura. Informativni zbornik
Ljubljana: Seminar slovenskega jezika ... Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani. (No ISBN)
A collection of introductory articles by leading Slovene scholars on Slovene language, literature, culture and history. Intended for those who can already read Slovene.
Lencek, Rado L.
The Structure and History of the Slovene Language
Columbus: Slavica, 1982. (ISBN 0-89357-099-0)
Monographic treatment of the structure and history of Slovene.
Priestly, Tom M. S. slovene" in Comrie, Bernard and Greville G. Corbett, eds.,
The Slavonic Languages, pp. 388-451
London and New York: Routledge 1993. (ISBN 0-415-04755-2)
Brief descriptive work in English, with several references.
Toporisic, Joze
Enciklopedija slovenskega jezika
Ljubljana: Cankarjeva zalozba, 1992. (ISBN 86-361-0756-3)
An encyclopedia-style reference on Slovene language and linguistics; aimed primarily at the domestic, Slovene audience, but useful for Slavists and general linguists who can already read Slovene.
Toporisic, Joze
Slovenska slovnica
Maribor: Obzorja, 1984. (No ISBN)
Authoritative reference grammar of Standard Slovene, entirely in Slovene.
Toporisic, Joze and Velemir Gjurin, eds.
Slovenska zvrstna besedila
Ljubljana: Seminar slovenskega jezika... Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, 1981. (No ISBN)
A collection of Slovene texts of all kinds. Recommended for language-learners with highly developed philological skills.


For Derbyshire, Lencek:

Slavica Publishers, Inc.
PO Box 14388
Columbus, Ohio 43214, USA

For Gobetz, Loncar:

Slovenian Research Center of America, Inc.
29227 Eddy Road
Willoughby Hills, OH 44092, USA

For Ljubljana University (Filozofska fakulteta) publications:

Seminar slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture
Filozofska fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani
Askerceva 2
1000 Ljubljana

A good general source for foreign books is Schoenhof's. Though they may not keep what you are looking for in stock, they should be able to obtain the more recent of the above titles:

Schoenhof's Foreign Books
76A Mt. Auburn St.
Cambridge, Mass. 02138, USA

Tel. 617/547-8855
Fax: 617/547-8551


Compiled by Marc L. Greenberg, University of Kansas

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