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Country Info | Useful Info | The National Anthem of the Republic of Slovenia

For the Slovene National Anthem the seventh verse of the Dr. F. Preseren's (1800-1849) Zdravljica (The Toast) was selected, on the melody of Prof. Stanko Premrl (1880-1965).

"Zivé naj vsi naródi,
ki hrepené do"cakat' dan,
da, koder sonce hodi,
prepir iz svéta bo pregnan;
da rojak
prost bo vsak,
ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak!

Audio: recited by Polde Bibic (0.24 Mb)

God's blessing on all nations,
Who long and work for that bright day,
When o'er earth's habitation
No war, no strife shall hold its sway;
Who long to see
That all man free
No more shall foes, but neighbours be.

Edited by Prof. W. K. Matthews and Prof. A. Slodnjak

Performed by

Orkester Slovenske filharmonije, Slovenski komorni zbor in Mesani pevski zbor Consortium musicum, cond. Samo Hubad:
stereo (1.73 Mb), mono (0.87 Mb)
Orkester Slovenske policije, cond. Milivoj Surbek, arr. Vinko Strucl:
stereo (1.47 Mb), mono (0.74 Mb)
Ljubljanski oktet:
stereo (1.07 Mb), mono (0.53 Mb)
Slovenski oktet -- four verses of Zdravljica:
stereo (3.5 Mb), mono (1.76 Mb);
just the 7th verse: stereo (0.93 Mb), mono (0.47 Mb), .au (0.30 Mb)

[The score]

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