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Country Info | Towns and Places in Slovenija | Sports in Slovenia

There are over 50 ski centers in Slovenia. There are also a great many cross-country ski tracks. In spring, particularly in the Julian Alps, it is possible to go ski-tourning.

[Photos] Slovenia has four easily accesible golf courses in natural surroundings with nearby accomodation.

[Photos] The attractive forested countryside is ideally suited for horseback excursions. You can ride at more than twenty horse-riding centres and schools.

Hunting and Fishing
Extensive forests protected game and breeding game parks offer excellent possibilities for hunting. Unspoilt rivers and lakes atract fishing and fly-fishing enthusiasts.

There are plenty of opportunities for playing tennis in easily accessible courts, both open air and covered. Many courts are located at hotels.

Gliding and Flying
[Photos] The colorful, diverse and lively countryside was almost made for viewing from the air. Air taxis are avilable for tours in Slovenija -- you can choose your own rout. You can hang-glide and paraglide from numerous hills.
See: Areoklub Clje and Letalski center Maribor.

Rafting and kayaking
Kayaking and rafting can be enjoyed on clean, fresh rivers: Soca (see Soca rafting), the upper reaches of the Sava, Krka, Kolpa and others.

Over 7000 km of marked mountin and other foothpaths offer excellent conditions for walking and trekking. A European hiking trail also traverses Slovenija. See also: Climbing

[Photos] Cycling around Slovene countryside, both on ordinary and mountain bykes, is a real pleisure.

The Karst has over 6000 limestone caves, including the famous Postojna and Skocjan caves. It is possible to visit 110 of them.

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