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Country Info | Towns and Places in Slovenija | Region Goriska


Due to its geographical position on the cross-roads of the routes between Austria, Italy and Slovenia, where the Alps draw closest to the sea, Gori"ska is a meeting point of different cultures and nations. It reveals numerous sights of natural beauty and cultural and historical monuments. Spreading from the plateaus in the north, over the sunny Brda Hills, the Soca and the Vipava Valleys, to the Karst in the south, it offers plenty of opportunity for relaxation, recreation and cultural enrichment. The hospitality of its inhabitants is part of tradition deeply rooted in history.

The Soca river, at numerous points creating a charming picture, flows through the entire region, all the way from the Alps to the sea. Characteristic villages, like Kanal are situated on its banks, showing the features of sub-mediteranean climate and dwellings. The fast current of the So"ca and its channels, back-waters and rapids attract numerous kayak and canoe lovers and fishermen.

Between the Vipava and Soca Valleys, seen from afar, rises the massive plateau Trnovski gozd, with woods growing at an altitude of 700m to 1500m. Lokve is a popular winter resort, the closest skiing grounds for both the Italian Gorizia and Slovenian Nova Gorica.

The fertile flysch valley wedged between the high limy plateaus of Trnovski gozd, Nanos and the Karst, bears the name of the Vipava river. It was through this valley that the Roman armies conquered the countries in the Danube region; Goths, Huns, Langobards and others ravaged the area during a period of migration. Many castles and camps erected in the past are reminiscent of the historic role of the Valley, for example, Rihemberk, Vitovlje and Miren. The village of Vipavski kri"z displays the Mediterranean character of this country open towards the sea.

The Karst of Goriska is a peculiar low limestone plateau, criss-crossed with dry valleys chiseled out by ancient rivers. In fall, sumac (Cotinus Coggyria) is clad in characteristic color, causing slopes to glow. Stanjel is among the oldest Karst villages in the area, and is a veritable pearl of Karst architecture. An exhibition of works by famous Slovene painter Lojze Spacal has been mounted in the renovated castle.

Goriska Brda is a region of wine-producing hills along the right bank of So"ca river, from the peak of Krminska gora to Sabotin. Hills covered with vineyards and orchards spread between narrow valleys. Villages with typical Mediterranean houses and fortifications, like Smartno are scattered among them. Since the country slopes towards the sea and is in the north sheltered by mountains, it receives plenty of sunlight which is hungrily absorbed by vintage grapes and famous cherries.

Goriska is famous for its delicious food and vintage wines.


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