The J. Stefan Institute home page
is located at
Thin Films and Surfaces Department (F3)
Head: Prof. Dr. Boris Navin"sek
Research staff: 4
The Thin Films and Surfaces Department is situated in two locations:
- research activities on location Ljubljana, Jamova 39
- Hard Coating Centre on location Dom"zale, Ljubljanska 80/I
The main subjects of our basic and applied research:
- ion and plasma interactions with solid surfaces,
- praparation and characterization of new hard, wear-, oxidation- and
corrosion-resistant films and coatings,
- development, production and characterization
(including Standard Reference Material Certificate) of standards
in form of multilayer structures for depth profile analysis and studies of
interface interactions,
- applications and new technologies in the field of protective
metallurgical coatings for industry (tools, machine parts).
The following techniques are used:
- ion plating reactive deposition (BAI 730 and BAI 730 M,
Balzers A.G., Liechtenstein) and sputtering of thin films and coatings
(SPUTRON DC/RF, Balzers A.G., Liechtenstein),
- scanning electron microscopy + EDS analysis,
- transmission electron microscopy + EDS analysis,
- Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES),
- electrochemical measurements (corrosion tests),
- hardness and microhardness measurements,
- X-ray photo electron spectroscopy,
- analytical techniques,
- depth profile analyses of multilayered structures,
- in-situ continous electrical resistivity measurements of oxidation process,
- profilometer (topography) measurements.
The Department cooperates with the following foreign institutes
and universities:
- Balzers Research and Development Division, FL 9496 Balzers, Liechtenstein,
- Max-Planc-Institut für Metallforschung, Stuttgart, Deutschland,
- Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für
Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie, Deutschland,
- Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für
Oberflächentechnik und Plasmatechnische Werkstoffentwicklung, Deutschland.
In 1993 we started to attend European Community COST 515 Programme
("Plasma and Ion Surface Engineering -- PISE"), in which we will study
the synthesis of new wear, oxidation and corrosion resistant coatings
in cooperation with twelve research Institutions from EC countries.
IMAGE: Oxidation of protective and hard coatings
![[diagram of weight gain against oxidation time]](/images/ijs-dept-f3.gif)
Mass gain of 3E-6 m thick chromium-based coatings (chromium, CrN) and
nickel-based protective coatings (NiCr 80-20 and Inconel 600) on
sapphire substrates induced by long-term oxidation in an oxygen flow
as a function of oxidation time.
Research projects
financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology
(titles in Slovene language)
Contact: Professor Dr. Boris Navin"sek, Head
Thin Films and Surfaces Department