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ERICo Velenje
Ecological research institute

ERICo Velenje, Institut za ekoloske raziskave
Koroska 58,
SI-3322 Velenje, p.p. 22
tel: +386 63 854 760
fax: +386 63 856 351

Director: Mag. Franc Avbersek
E-mail: Franc.Avbersek@guest.arnes.si

Basic Information

Among the 26 regularly employed there are 17 researchers, one Doctor of chemical sciences, Doctor of biology science, three Masters of biology science, one Master of Mining technology, one Master of hydrogeology, one specialist of biology, four bachelors of chemical sciences, one professor of geography, two bachelors of biology, one bachelor of agronomy and one bachelor of forestry. The technical crew constitutes of seven chemistry technicians, one forestry technician and one economy technician.

Research for improvement of environment in the Salek valley (photo) began in 1985. That was the beginning of data acquisition for the Velenje lake (photo). In past years we developed the cooperation with the Jozef Stefan Institute, with the Faculty of Biology, with Institute of Forestry, National Institute of Chemistry, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Department for Montanistic, Department for Geology, Faculty of Philosophic Science and with the Department for Geography.

ERICo Velenje was established by the Thermopower station Sostanj (TES) (photo), the Lignite mine Velenje (RLV) (photo) and the Electro-machine equipment (ESO Equipment) with 40:40:20 percent shares in April 1992. ERICo Velenje got the status of a research organisation at MZT soon after the establishment. Besides acquiring of higher formal education of our researchers we have joined the academic research net. The Jozef Stefan Institute (IJS) joined the founders in July 1995. Along with this ERICo Velenje has become the Institute for Ecological Research, the first institute in the Salek valley.

Areas of research

Integration with the international R&D projects:


Subsidization by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MZT)


We have all the necessary equipment for basic research. Recently a modern equipment for new labs was ordered.


Ecological research will be needed even more in the future owing to the polluters' consciousness, program orientation of MZT and demands of the legislation. Our applied research is steadily approaching the demands of users.